Month: February 2015

Cheap Propane is a Choice worth Making

There are many benefits to using propane as fuel for heating and many other applications. It is energy-efficient and versatile, and it can heat faster while using less energy. You can typically save up to 30 percent each year when you heat water with propane, according to the US Department of Energy. Replacing an electric appliance with a unit that runs on propane—such as a propane clothes dryer—can typically save you up to 50 percent or more.

Propane heaters can help lower residential heating costs due to the radiant heat that they provide. Propane is a good source of liquid-based (hydronic) radiant heating, which is more efficient than the electric counterpart. When more heat is delivered, you can use less heating sources to reduce overall heating and energy costs.

It makes sense to use propane for certain applications at home because it consumes less energy without compromise on efficiency. Furthermore, propane appliances and heaters are easy and quick to install and tend to last longer. The average lifespan of an electric heat pump is 14 years, while a propane heat tank can typically last an average of 20 years. This means you do not have to worry about buying a replacement appliance soon.

Propane is an environmentally friendly fuel that emits less carbon than common fuel sources. It is found to reduce greenhouse emissions by up to 60-percent. Propane is nontoxic, water-insoluble, and nonpoisonous. Vehicles running on propane produce fewer air pollutants, depending on their engine calibration, drive cycle, and type. Owners of high-mileage vehicles will find that propane can increase the life of their engines. The mixture of the air and propane is entirely gaseous, so it minimizes cold start problems that commonly occur with liquid fuel.

Reputable suppliers can provide reasonably priced propane to both residential and commercial customers. Look for a company established and known for excellent customer service, fair prices, and high-quality propane products in your area.