Month: September 2017

Looking for The Top Propane Gas Dealers in Your Area?

When searching for a propane gas dealer, it is important to examine other factors that will affect your overall experience with its service. Many customers tend to pick a dealer that can provide the cheapest LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), only to regret their decision when they experience delays, extra charges, and other inconveniences. With that in mind, here are some tips to help you find the choose the top propane dealer in your area:

  • Make a list of top propane gas dealers – Look up different LPG retailers in your area and compare at least two or three. Compare their payment plans and the number of years each has been in business. The best candidate is the dealer that has been around for decades, with an excellent track record of loyal customers and the ability to deliver fair and consistent prices.
  • Go for an established dealer – One of the most reputable LPG suppliers in the US has been around for more than seven decades. Their longevity is proof of their trustworthiness, but be sure to verify that by checking their rating with the Better Business Bureau and by looking up reviews.
  • Compare payment plans offered by a dealer – A propane gas dealer will have different payment plans that can help you budget your cost for the fuel and their service throughout the year. Make sure automatic delivery is part of every plan. Consider your propane needs and budget when selecting a plan. Some dealers can provide adjustable monthly payments based on actual usage and propane prices, as well as plans that can help you budget your monthly costs for LPG with equal payments for 12 months to avoid spikes in the market.
  • Check if they offer other value-added services – Go for the propane gas dealer that you can depend on 24/7 in case of an emergency. Make sure they offer a ‘never run out of propane’ guarantee, and that you can rely on them for repairs, too.

Learn the Top 5 Benefits of Converting from Oil to Propane

Are you still using oil for heating? Converting from oil to propane should be considered if you want to save money, experience convenience, keep your home safe, and enjoy a consistent and evenly heated household. Here is an overview of the top five benefits of switching from oil to propane:

  • Cost-effective – The Department of Energy found that you could be paying twice the amount you would be paying for with propane by operating your heating systems with electricity. You could save about 30 percent each year by heating water with propane, too. On an average, propane-powered heaters last around 20 years, which is longer compared to the 14-year life span of most electric heat pumps.
  • Efficient heating – They produce consistent heat that radiates throughout a room, too, so you do not have to rely anymore on supplemental heat sources, which could increase your energy consumption.
  • Easily available – The US produces enough supply of propane to meet the increasing demand, and as long as you buy from a reputable supplier, you should never run out of fuel and count on reliable services, too, such as 24/7 emergency and repairs. Some LPG providers can help in converting from oil to propane, too.|
  • Safe – Propane is a safe alternative fuel to gasoline and coal. While it is colorless and odorless, manufacturers add a distinct smell to the formulation for easy detection in case of leaks. The fuel is non-toxic and will not contaminate water or soil, too, and as long as you buy propane from a trusted supplier, you can be sure that the tank is highly regulated with safety mechanisms for preventing ruptures.
  • Environmentally friendly – Propane is one of the cleanest burning fossil fuels approved in the 1990 Clean Air Act. Tests conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency showed that vehicles running on propane produce less carbon monoxide, smog, and toxins compared to gasoline-powered cars.