Month: June 2015

Benefits of Converting From Oil to Propane

Converting your household from oil to propane can provide you with a highly efficient fuel solution that can lower your energy costs and carbon emissions. Almost 90 percent of propane used in the US is domestically produced; so reputable service providers are able to guarantee that you will never run out of propane and that you can get a refill at an affordable price. Moreover, the prices of domestically produced propane are more stable compared to oil from overseas.

Heating systems in new and existing houses were reviewed, and the results revealed a lot of advantages for using propane instead of oil. A propane furnace with a 95 percent high efficiency AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency) rating is a less expensive replacement, and it is more affordable to install than a standard 78 percent AFUE oil furnace. It costs less to operate and repair a propane furnace as well.

Propane can be more efficient in heating homes. It is an excellent source for radiant heating, which is found to be more efficient than electric. A propane boiler or water heater heats water by pumping it through a floor tubing system, and it delivers consistent, even heat close to the floor, thereby contributing to overall warmth in a room. As a result, you can lower your thermostat to further reduce your energy and heating consumption.

Gas boilers are typically 60 percent efficient, and propane boilers have a 90 percent efficiency rating, which can reduce your energy consumption by up to one-third. At the same time, the propane boiler will produce fewer emissions and greenhouse gases. A propane furnace emits 37 percent fewer greenhouse gases than oil furnaces, and it requires less frequent maintenance, too.

Converting from oil to propane is beneficial to businesses, too, especially if they require the use of an indoor vehicle such as a forklift. Since propane emits less smog and carbon monoxide, it is safe to operate in an enclosed space like warehouse or a factory.