Month: October 2016

Know The Benefits Of Home Heating With Propane

Home heating is one of the common applications of propane as it is cost-effective, reliable, and generates a comfortable amount of heat. Using home heating propane devices may help you save money in the long run, too. If you are still using electricity for home heating, you could be paying double than what you would have pay when using propane to run your furnace. According to the Department of Energy, you can save around 30 percent each year when you heat water with LP gas, and up to 50 percent if you use it to run your clothes dryer. Propane can heat an entire tank of water in about 20 minutes, which is much faster compared to electric heaters that can take up to an hour. Moreover, if you compare your home heating according to BTU, propane typically saves you money in that sense as well.

Home heating propane devices are able to generate a consistent air supply and heat that is comfortable and more than enough to keep a room warm. Electric heat pumps tend to generate temperature that is slightly higher than the average body temperature, resulting in discomfort. If there is a power outage, you cannot rely on electric heating devices any more, unlike when you use propane to run your home heating. You do not have to worry about getting cold in the absence of electric power.

A high-quality propane furnace has an average lifespan of 20 years, compared to electric heat pumps, which only have about 14 years. It will be cheaper to have a propane furnace repaired compared to servicing an electric heat pump, too. Switching to home heating propane devices is environmentally friendly, since it can reduce your greenhouse emissions by up to 68 percent. Just be sure to choose a propane furnace that has at least a 95 AFUE rating to ensure an energy efficient heater that can produce sufficiently warm air.

How To Get The Top Deals On Commercial Propane Gas?

Over 60 million Americans rely on propane for their household and business for a good reason. Propane or LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) is reliable and cost-effective, especially in commercial applications where LP appliances and devices must run almost all the time. You may have the option to run your business on electricity, but you could be paying up to twice as much than when you run it on propane. Commercial propane gas may differ from residential propane in terms of price and the amount to be delivered, but as long as you get your supply from the right provider, you should be able to save a lot of money and time in the long run. Here are tips on how you can get the top deals on commercial propane gas:

  • Find a local supplier – buy commercial propane gas from a reputable provider that is based in your area. That way, you do not have to worry about high delivery fees that apply when the propane company is too far from you. Be sure to compare the prices of propane between two to three suppliers to see which can provide the best price and the best service. Choose a supplier that is known to deliver consistently fair propane prices.
  • Look for guarantees – Seasoned providers of commercial propane gas provide a ‘never run out’ guarantee to make sure that your business is getting enough propane to last for a certain amount of time.
  • Sign up for a plan – Leading commercial propane dealers can customize an energy plan that can provide the best possible value in their product and services. It may help save your business a lot of money in the long run.
  • Consider a reliable dealer – Buy propane from a reliable provider that offers 24/7 emergency services and repair. That way, you only have to call one number for everything propane.